Finish Powerball Deep Clean vs Seventh Generation Dishwasher Detergent Gel
There is no competition here, Finish Powerball Deep Clean handily takes the prize. No pre-rinsing required. Also, use Rinse Aid.
There is no competition here, Finish Powerball Deep Clean handily takes the prize. No pre-rinsing required. Also, use Rinse Aid.
e•qua•nim•i•ty n. The quality of being calm and even-tempered; composure. n. Evenness of mind or temper; calmness or firmness, especially under conditions adapted to excite great emotion. My favorite question to be asked by prospective clients is: what sets KGM apart? What are our core values?
There’s an old cliche of the all-powerful producer, wearing a cape, sweeping in and out of theaters, barking orders and all in attendance snapping to attention. And, yet, for many good reasons, it’s simply not possible to produce in this manner today. For one, shows are just too
At KGM, we have a deliberate way of working that’s meant to produce the best results for the producers and shows we represent. We’ve seen how the late night meetings, the frenzied emails, and the throw-everything-against-the-wall approach can prevent shows from reaching their fullest potential. So we’ve
When Broadway shut down in March of last year, I, like so many others in the industry, cycled through all of the emotions those first few months. Optimism that the shutdown would be short-lived, concern for the human beings, our colleagues, who worked with us to bring Broadway to life,
During my workday I try to be intentional about creating pockets of time that are free from distractions. When I want to focus deeply on a project, I’ll put my phone in a drawer, silence all notifications and, most importantly, close all apps on my Mac that may provide
A Love Letter to Ulysses If you grew up writing any kind of text on a computer, Microsoft’s Word has probably been your go to for as long as you can remember. Technically, if you’re as old as me, 40, you may have some vague recollection of Microsoft
You’ve spent years researching, writing and re-writing your book. This is not only your labor of love, it’s your legacy. The manuscript is complete, the cover is beautiful designed, and the first 300 copies are sitting neatly in a cardboard box in a corner of your home office.
From The Weirdly Enduring Appeal of Weird Al Yankovic [] by Sam Anderson: > Alfred Matthew Yankovic grew up not in Los Angeles proper but outside of it, near Compton, in the working-class suburb of Lynwood. He was an only child,
I don’t know when it happened but it did. And every week it seems to get slightly worse. And by it I mean Twitter. And, specifically, the way most users now experience Twitter. First there were the promoted tweets: ads disguised as tweets that are appearing with ever more
I love to hear the sound of my own voice. But I’m trying to be a more courteous caller by keeping my calls short and sweet. After trying a little experiment I’ve observed that I’m far more likely to wax on, throw out additional topics, or just
Sometime during the last couple of years, and perhaps propelled by the pandemic, we started scheduling every phone call we intended to make. "Hey, can I have five minutes of your time" is now a back-and-forth email until a time slot is agreed upon by both parties. Future