On the Hunt to Replace Basecamp

I’ll state upfront: I really like Basecamp. Our team had been using a cocktail of applications before switching to Basecamp, including Twist, Todoist, Notion and Dropbox.

We liked that Basecamp purports to be the Swiss Army knife of project management, combining team discussion, tasks, docs and file management into one app. As they say on their website “everything’s in one place, not all over the place.”

But, while we found that Basecamp is exceptional at asynchronous team discussion, it's less competent in the other areas.

So, were’ back at square one, asking ourselves: is it better to use multiple tools, rather than a single multi-tool?

The core functionality our team requires is:

  • Asynchronous discussions
  • A shared brain / team wiki
  • Task management

So we’ll be spending the next few weeks and months evaluating alternatives. Here are a few of the apps we plan to test:


  • Twist - we were early users of Twist, and are looking forward to checking out the most recent version, simply called New Twist



Does your team use any of the above apps? Please let me know on Twitter @danielkuney. Also, check out my previous post: 4 Pain Points Our Team Would Like Basecamp to Tackle in Basecamp 4.

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