Superhuman vs Spark vs Hey

Our team has bounced around between all of the major email applications. We had been using Superhuman but switched to Hey for Work in early 2021. While we loved the team collaboration features of Hey, many on our team found it to be frustrating and too rough around the edges.

So we’re on the hunt for a new email app. We’ve narrowed it down to two contenders: Superhuman and Spark. To help us understand the pros and cons of each app, we made this little comparison chart. Read on to find out which one we selected.

As you can see, it’s not an easy choice, one app giveth and another taketh away.

And one area where all of these apps need work? More attention to mindfulness. Features like Inbox Pause or the ability to restrict certain senders from reaching your Inbox at off hours would be welcome additions to all of these apps.

What did we choose? We really wanted to go with Superhuman but without any team collaboration features we have chosen Spark. For now.