Twist Rolls Out Search and Image Tweaks


Image sharing upgrades incoming. Before, you could only copy and paste one image at a time in Twist’s text editor. Now, you can paste multiple images.
Adjust the search pane width to your liking with just the click of a mouse. Now, reading those search results will be much easier.

Nice to see that Doist is still tinkering with Twist, and these are welcome tweaks. Results in the search panel should be easier to peruse now.

But we're hoping Doist has some grander ambitions for Twist. Back in December we shared our Twist Wishlist, shortly after Twist 2.0 was released. Some of our feature requests included:

  • Folders for better Channel grouping and sorting
  • Scheduled Send - set a time to post or reply to a comment (eg. schedule to post during the work week to not bother teammates on the weekend)
  • View for All Team Activity for Subscribed Channels
  • Command-K shortcuts menu
  • Snooze and reminders - Similar to reminders in Superhuman, send a discussion back to everyone’s Inbox to make sure the team follows up

It's been eight months since we published our wishlist and, as of now, our wishes remain just that.

Scheduled Send is our top feature request for Twist. Even Slack supports scheduled messages.

Hopefully we see some bigger ideas emerge for Twist over the next eight months. Microsoft Teams, and newer players, like Threads, are catching up to the enthusiasm for asynchronous team comms.